

2 Total Employees
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Year Founded: 2020

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Way helps you uncover and reveal your own nutritional path, so it lasts for life.

Way helps people create their own nutritional path. Through intentionally sequenced self-discovery sessions, we show users what so many intuitive eating dietitians and integrative trainers teach - that you already know how to eat healthy, you just need to become mindful and naturally shift behavior. We are on a mission to impact health through healthy eating. Nutrition is the single biggest factor to each person's overall health - that's not really debated by doctors, dietitians, trainers, and even scientists who study the human body. But, diets fail - 83% of the time. There are 121,000,000 Americans (49% of the US Adult Population) who are on a diet or weight loss program right now. That means there are 100,000,000 people failing, just in the US. We believe diets fail because they are rules-based: follow the diet rules and you get results, but as soon as you stop following the diet rules, you stop getting the results. We have developed a novel way of connecting with people, creating a safe, non-judgmental environment, and helping them uncover and reveal those little things they already know. Our objective is to create a mindset shift and deliver a nutritional path - to help each user know what to intuitively eat to make their body *feel* better, and to feel better *about* their body.