

Year Founded: 2011

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<p>&nbsp;</p><p>GetBonkers is a game development studio that is focused on making fun and engaging mobile applications for all ages. With an emphasis on learning and education, GetBonkers is committed to making games that stimulate the mind as much entertain the soul.</p><p>Our team is small, but love what we do. We are parents of young children and experienced entrepreneurs. Making games for kids and adults is a passion as much a business for us.</p><p>There are hundreds of thousands of mobile games, and more are being developed every day. Our approach is to develop apps from a unique perspective. Here are four guidelines we think about when we create.</p><p>Kids and adults interact with mobile and games differently&nbsp;- We think through how our games will be played by kids and adults and that thinking is reflected in our usability, interface and design.</p><p>Fun is important but mind stimulation is more impactful&nbsp;- Fun games bring us in, but when there is an educational aspect to a game, people tend to stick around and appreciate the app more.</p><p>Simple, easy and understandable&nbsp;- There are a lot of janky apps out there; we don't play that. Quality starts with concept and incorporates good user interface, design, playability and more.</p><p>Games for everyone&nbsp;- We try to develop games that are good for kids and adults. To accomplish this we often create versions or special settings that make the game easy to understand for very young children, but also sophisticated enough for adults to enjoy.</p>