Top Tech Companies (6,854)
FanBlaze is a patent-pending software/social-network/marketing platform uniting artists, musicians and filmmakers with fans by providing social media tools that track, reward and provide incentives for both fans and the project creator. We are currently releasing Apps in Android, IPhone and on Facebook.
We let businesses deliver mobile ads to users around their business. Ads appear in the hottest mobile apps and sites like,, Words With Friends & Pandora. NearWoo is a reliable and sustainable way to drive new customers into your business.
TradeUp is developing a proprietary barter-exchange platform that incorporates characteristics of both gaming and real-time trading of actual goods and services.
At Bala, we believe beautiful, functional fitness equipment will change the way you move. Because we understand your life includes exercise but is not exclusively defined by it. Our product assortment now includes known accessories in fresh color pairings and never-before-seen products that fly in the face of common fitness tropes. Bala is constantly innovating, growing rapidly and building a world-class team to support our growth. Join the movement!
Cojoin makes combining large sets of data and creating reports simple and affordable.
Mahway is a venture builder with the aim to build dozens of high-growth, unicorn-potential businesses over the next decade. We pair experienced founders and operators with proven growth playbooks, to solve some of our world’s most important problems. Unlike VC firms who invest in other people's startups, or venture studios who help build startup ideas that other people bring to them, we create the ideas ourselves and then hire people to scale the company once we've gotten it from zero to one.
BuyReply is an eCommerce SaaS platform that enables consumers to purchase directly from any medium (TV, Radio, Magazines, Catalogues, Online) with an email or a tweet - no app download or camera scan required.
MySocialCloud allows users to store passwords and user names on an ultra secure site. Once a user visits a site that requires a login, they click a button and the password/user name fields auto populate. More recently, it also allowed people to store bookmarks and organize everything they love online into lists along with discovery of new content through Facebook and Twitter.
Small businesses represent 2/3 of fleets, and 75% of them are not connected. Why? Telematics is too complex, too expensive, too risky. We offer a great product that that you can buy online, manage yourself, and cancel any time. It works on more vehicles and equipment, from pickups to tractors to golf carts. Join us, and help us break telematics.
AppliedVR is committed to transforming patient lives through the power of pixels. We aspire to revolutionize pain management by enabling patients to have access to safer, more engaging, and effective digital tools that reduce suffering around pain.
Mojix was founded in 2004 by some of the world
Kitchen United is a GV-backed startup that provides restaurant brands a turnkey, capital-light way to expand their reach to the off-premise diner. We bring virtual restaurants closer to customers. Restaurants focus on preparing great food, while Kitchen United facilitates getting food to the customer quickly through delivery service.
Cre8ive is the first A.I. personal development, productivity, motivational, social network, education and entertainment app tied together into an all-in-one super app with over 28+ different features.
Barry's Ticket Service Inc. (Barry's) and have been providing hard-to-get and premium tickets to our clients for all major worldwide, national and local events since 1984. As an upstanding member of the National Association of Ticket Brokers (NATB), reliability and accountability are cornerstones of our business philosophy. is an online ticket provider for all sports, concert, theater, and exclusive event tickets. We also provide tickets to special events that no other website offerBarry's Tickets is an OffIcial Partner of the Los Angeles Clippers and AM570. Barry's Tickets is located caddy-corner from the Los Angeles Staples Center 1020 S. Figueroa, Los Angeles, CA 90015.