Capital Numbers

Capital Numbers

500 Total Employees
400 Local Employees
Year Founded: 2012

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Leading full-stack digital production company. D&B accredited, ISO 9001 & 27001 Company

Capital Numbers is a D&B accredited, ISO 9001 & 27001 certified global solutions provider with 450+ in-house, full-time experts. Our clients include Reuters, Conde Nast, AppDetex, Equipo, University of Colorado, Credit Sesame, Grey Digital along with hundreds of Small Businesses, Silicon Valley Founders, and Agencies worldwide. WHAT DO WE DO?   1) Custom Software Development: Our development team can help you throughout the whole development cycle.  2) Web Development: We specialize in the development of large and medium-sized sites, web applications, and portals with complex and rich functionality. We can even work as your extended development team or, provide turnkey solutions. 3) Mobile Apps: We deliver world-class, innovative, and engaging native iOS/Android apps or hybrid apps. 4) Digital Marketing: Capital Numbers offers full-service digital marketing solutions, including search engine optimization (SEO), search engine marketing, social media marketing, and email marketing. We are committed to finding effective ways to drive meaningful traffic that helps your business grow. 5) Data Science: Capital numbers is a leading provider of data science services. we bring deep expertise in python and r, lean software development practices, and high-performance product culture. The key to our success has been a business culture that puts products over projects, customer success over contract terms, and real business results over pure technical innovation. 6)AI & Chatbot Integration: Build a chat-bot to engage customers & increase sales Stay ahead of your competition in terms of customer service, availability, and convenience, by custom-building an intelligent chat-bot with our developers. 7)CMS Development: Capital Numbers is the renowned CMS development company for CMS-powered websites in India. Outsource CMS development & customization services. Also provide solutions for E-commerce, Software Testing, DevOps, DaaS, etc