Ramadan is an important month for the sales division at Snap.
Snap is the most widely used app in Saudi Arabia, making it one of the region’s strongest brands. And given this far-reaching influence, it’s also a coveted platform for marketers who wish to capture their target audiences through Ramadan-focused advertising.
That’s where Elie Chedid, a senior manager of advertiser solutions at Snap, and his colleagues come in. They provide advertisers with the right insights, tools, creative examples and support needed to reach consumers; an undertaking that’s made doubly complex due to the number of organizations involved.
“We serve hundreds if not thousands of clients during the holy month, so the team needs to think of creative and scalable ways to provide the right level of service for them,” Chedid said.
When Chedid and his peers come together to craft innovative solutions for advertisers, they work as one team dedicated to driving success not just for sales, but for Snap. They move with the ebb and flow of evolving client demands and industry trends, striking a careful balance between hitting business goals and delivering influential customer experiences.
Simply put, Snap’s sales division is defined by change; a truth that Lisa Zimmer has discovered firsthand as head of the small- and mid-sized customers team for global outsourced sales, customer success and operations. Zimmer’s tenure at the company so far has been filled with its fair share of challenges, yet with ongoing support from peers and an out-of-the-box approach, these roadblocks have served as stepping stones toward progress.
“We’ve been evolving our strategy, trying new experiments and learning and growing along the way,” she said. “Each quarter brings upon us new goals and more change to meet them, so it never gets boring.”
We’ve been evolving our strategy, trying new experiments and learning and growing along the way … it never gets boring.”
Monotony has no place in Snap’s sales culture. While the company’s hybrid approach to work may mean that some brainstorming sessions take place virtually, there’s still a palpable cohesion that keeps team members in sync — and enlightened.
“You would be surprised by how much you can learn and grow the more time you spend with such great people,” Chedid said.
Snap’s sales team members are always working in unison to accomplish their goals. So much so that Chedid considers the team a symphony, one in which every member contributes their own sound to the greater good.
“Each member of our team brings a unique blend of intelligence, kindness and creativity to the table,” he said.

Orchestrating Sales Success
If there was ever a time that revealed the tenacity of Snap’s sales division, it would be the fourth quarter of 2023.
With a large stretch quota looming ahead of them, Zimmer and her teammates had to move quickly to make business changes to unify their forecast and quota. Tensions were high and time wasn’t on their side, yet with the right level of collaboration and high-level guidance, they succeeded in their efforts.
“It was inspiring to see our leaders come together and create a plan of action,” Zimmer recalled.
For Zimmer, this experience wasn’t simply a testament to the power of daily scrums and operational rigor; it reflects the inherent talent and speed that fuels Snap’s sales division.
“There aren’t levels of approvals or time wasted waiting on answers,” she said. “We strategize, design, implement and, in the end, deliver.”

Teamwork and efficiency are cornerstones of Snap’s sales division, enabling team members to overcome any obstacles that may get in their way. These two elements come into play during critical times, such as Ramadan, when Chedid and his peers must grapple with the constraints of time, resources, material and energy.
As a leader, Chedid doesn’t see himself as an overseer of any one project during the busiest times of the year. Rather, he strives to lead by example by getting his hands dirty, fixing any blockers and providing much-needed encouragement.
“I need to always make them feel energized, showing them the bigger picture and providing them with the right resources and support to help them do their job better, as we always aim for excellence,” Chedid said.
According to Chedid, Snap’s sales team members take great measures to help clients succeed on their platform, providing workshops, webinars and other events to educate them on social advertising best practices. By taking a dynamic approach to supporting customers, he and his peers manage to stay ahead of the curve without relying on routine strategies.
“This adaptability has not only kept things exciting, but has also contributed to our growth as both individuals and a team,” Chedid said.
Chedid has learned what it takes to build a strong team culture over the course of his career. For him, the greatest action to take as a leader isn’t to step up — it’s to step back. “Be ready to coach and be coached,” Chedid said. “Sometimes, the most junior people can inspire and teach new things to the most senior people.”
Zimmer also believes in the power of learning from others. And in her mind, the best way to accomplish these things is by having people interact as humanly as possible. While it’s not always possible for Zimmer and her peers to meet up in the office, she capitalizes on the in-person interactions they do have, believing these moments are the catalyst for authentic culture-building. “At the end of the day, there’s nothing better than being together in person with a whiteboard and markers, having real-time discussions and usually some really good laughs,” she said.
Drop Your Ego and #Getsh*tdone
“Leave your ego at the door.”
Zimmer first heard this call to action when she joined Snap. Having spent 10 years working in luxury hospitality and residential development previously, she wasn’t accustomed to working in a humble, nonhierarchical environment — yet she soon realized what she had been missing out on for so long.
“Everyone is open to teaching, and they want to learn from me, too,” Zimmer said.
Galvanized by the motto, #Getsh*tdone, Zimmer and her teammates are constantly sharing their ideas, as long as they can be backed up by data.
“Not all of our ideas are winners, but no matter what, we learn from each one and make future plans because of it,” she said.
With this focus on knowledge-sharing and peer-to-peer support, Snap offers an enriching workplace experience; one that Zimmer believes puts the organization above the rest.
“A year of experience at Snap equals two to three years at another company,” she said.
A year of experience at Snap equals two to three years at another company.”
Chedid believes Snap’s sales culture is only as authentic and empowering as the people who have cultivated it. Not only do team members listen and speak from the heart, but they also have the courage to share their honest opinions and seek solutions together, undeterred by the possibility of failure.
“Whether collaborating on a project or offering support during challenging times, their unwavering dedication and positivity have been a constant source of inspiration,” Chedid said.
Snap’s sales success hinges on its people; individuals who, in Chedid’s mind, are united by a desire to remain authentic yet evolutionary on the company’s path toward progress.
“Snap has the strongest company culture that believes in change, love and being your true self,” he said.