

Year Founded: 2019

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Path makes it easy to find a world class mental health provider that’s covered by your insurance.

Over 65 million Americans suffer from a treatable mental health issue - that’s 1 out of every 5 people. It’s an epidemic of massive proportions and there’s a good chance that someone close to you has had a period where they could really use help, even if it wasn’t obvious to the people around them. Path is focused on bringing the best treatment possible to patients with conditions like anxiety, depression, eating disorders, trauma, addiction, and more. A big reason that people don’t see a therapist is because of cost and the burden of making a dozen phone calls to find the right provider. More than half of therapists don’t take insurance and a single session can cost hundreds of dollars out-of-pocket. Path is building a software powered national network of world-class therapists and psychiatrists who take health insurance so that anyone can get the help they need for a fraction of the cost. We’ll also match patients with exactly the right person for their needs whether it’s experience with a certain condition, gender, race, location, life experience, etc. On the therapist side, running a therapy business is extremely challenging. Many of the therapists we speak with got into the field to help patients but instead spend much of their time managing their practice (billing, credentialing, marketing, verifying benefits, etc.). Path hands therapists an entire successful practice in a box. We’ll set them up with an electronic health record system to run your practice and we’ll quickly match them with patients, so new patients just show up on their calendar with zero work required. Therapists can focus on high quality care instead of the logistics of running a practice. We’ve built a network of thousands of providers and thousands of patients and are growing incredibly quickly. We’ve raised $22M from top tier investors and will have over 100 employees by the end of this year. We're excited to bring people onto the team who are committed to changing how mental health is treated.