Keep crushing it: Here’s how sales leaders at LA tech companies keep their teams motivated

Written by Michael Hines
Published on Apr. 18, 2019
Keep crushing it: Here’s how sales leaders at LA tech companies keep their teams motivated
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What motivates a sales team to smash the goals they set? Bonuses definitely don’t hurt, but money often isn’t the only, or even the biggest, motivation. The tech industry prides itself on giving employees the ability to make a mark with their work and the chance to grow professionally, and both of these factors play a big role when it comes to motivating sales teams to do more.

We spoke to sales leaders at two Los Angeles tech companies to learn more about how they keep their teams motivated and what makes their crew unique.


Redgate Software Los Angeles sales jobs

Redgate Software develops tools for the Microsoft Data Platform that are designed to help companies implement DevOps best practices for databases, make database performance easier to monitor and enable teams to work better together. If that sounds complicated, it’s because it is, which is why Redgate has designed its tools to be as intuitive and user-friendly as possible.

Redgate Software’s sales team has been busy recently, with new U.S. license sales growing by 140 percent over the past two years. Sales Manager Jake Sigrist said that when it comes to motivating his team, having honest conversations about goals is key.


What motivational tactics have been most successful with your team?

Motivations tend to be unique, and we make an effort to understand each person’s drivers to help keep them engaged. Personal development is a top priority for some, while others care more about finances. These drivers often change as a person progresses through their career. That can be difficult because it requires my team and I to be open about what those drivers are, and to tailor motivators to align with them. However, this often leads to the best results.

Outside of that, I think something any manager should do is make sure they genuinely listen to their team, especially when there are issues or complaints. When things get tough, sometimes the best remedy is simply being available to understand how someone feels. It doesn’t mean you necessarily need to take action on an issue: Many people just want to make sure that they’re understood. I know this is true for me!

Motivations tend to be unique, and we make an effort to understand each person’s drivers to help keep them engaged.


What sets the members of your team apart from other teams you've been a part of?

We genuinely care about solving problems and striving for the best results. We focus on hiring the brightest and most driven people possible, which allows us to create a culture of success. Ultimately, that makes our day-to-day really fun. Our great office, stocked kitchen and happy hours are awesome to have, but what really separates our team at Redgate is our desire to be the best.


PatSnap Los Angeles sales jobs

PatSnap’s innovation intelligence platform is used by R&D teams, legal and intellectual property professionals, academic researchers, and more to analyze trends and assess opportunities. The company has over 8,000 customers spread around the world, a roster that includes NASA, the University of Leeds and GKN Driveline.

Sales Manager Mike Avery has been with the company since it opened its Los Angeles office — which also serves as its U.S. headquarters — in July 2017. Avery said that what sets his team apart from others is how supportive everyone is of each other.


What motivational tactics have been most successful with your team?

We’ve found that people are most motivated when they are aligned with the vision and goals of the business from a high level and truly understand how their role and responsibilities contribute to that goal. People are also motivated in different ways: Some want to know their work is being recognized and valued while others are aggressively pursuing career progression. We believe people are at their best when they understand how their work not only supports business goals but also their personal goals.

We believe people are at their best when they understand how their work not only supports business goals but also their personal goals.


What sets the members of your team apart from other teams you've been a part of?

It would have to be the way this team supports one another. There is a healthy balance of pride and humility here, if that makes sense. They have a lot of respect for what they do and the skill required to execute well. However, everyone is striving to be better and learn from one another. They don’t let pride get in the way of becoming the best at what they do and learning from each other.


Responses have been edited for length and clarity.

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