Top 5 Tips for Entrepreneurs...From an Entrepreneur

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Published on Aug. 13, 2013
Top 5 Tips for Entrepreneurs...From an Entrepreneur

Martha Spelman, one of the our board members and co-founder of Newzful, shared with SBEC her 5 top tips for aspiring entrepreneurs. Hope you guys enjoy this as much as I did!

1. Coming up with an idea is the most fun -- executing it… not so much. The idea is about 1% of the overall business; execution is about 99%. In other words, the day to day work is where success lies.

2. Most people just think about how great their idea is. They don’t think about how they will let people know about their great idea. Figure out how you’re going to market your business, and to whom (your audience), before you spend too much time or money on your idea.

3. Take criticism. Talk to people about your idea, show them what it does or how it works. Listen to what they have to say. You will not like everything you hear, or incorporate all of the suggested changes, additions, deletions or comments, but it’s all valuable.

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