Perks with a purpose: 5 LA techies share the company perks that make the biggest difference in their lives

The perks a company offers are often reflective of its commitment to the well-being of its employees and its respect for a positive work-life balance.

Written by Michael Hines
Published on Jul. 19, 2019
Perks with a purpose: 5 LA techies share the company perks that make the biggest difference in their lives
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Finding a challenging and rewarding role at a company whose mission you can get behind are the two most important things to consider when you’re on the job hunt. To paraphrase Rihanna, once those two boxes have been checked it’s time to look into the “perks, perks, perks, perks, perks, perks.” That’s because the perks a company offers are often reflective of its commitment to the well-being of its employees and its respect for a positive work-life balance.

We recently spoke with five LA tech workers to learn more about the company perks that matter most to them and the impact they’ve made on their lives, both inside and outside of the office.


FloQast Los Angeles tech jobs

The high cost of healthcare and parental leave — specifically the lack of it — are two common sources of stress for many Americans, even those working in tech. FloQast knows this, which is why the company offers free healthcare and a generous parental leave package to its employees. Account Executive Michael Olshove and Head of Customer Success Lilith Karageuzian weighed in on how these perks impact both them and their families.


Of all the perks your company offers, which ones matter the most to you and why?

Olshove: Far and away, it's FloQast’s free healthcare. Prior to joining FloQast, I was paying well over $1,000 a month for my wife and four children for healthcare that was mediocre at best. You can plan for checkups and dentists appointments, but what you don’t know is when a trip to the ER will happen. My stepson has bad asthma, and trips to the ER for us aren’t all that uncommon. When a child got very sick or when their asthma popped up, we couldn’t be sure what the hospital would end up billing. We grew to expect pretty expensive bills. There’s just so much unknown involved, and that can be really scary. 

Karageuzian: I’m getting ready to take four months off for maternity leave, and FloQast’s paid parental leave offers my family a lot of peace of mind. Having a kid is stressful and expensive, but it’s obviously tremendously rewarding, too. Knowing that I have time to stay at home, bond with the baby and not worry about anything work-related is really comforting. Since April, our team has had one person a month leave for parental leave, but everyone has been tremendously supportive. We’ve done a really good job of allocating our resources, transitioning people out properly and then transitioning them back in so that they don’t miss a beat. 

I’m getting ready to take four months off for maternity leave, and FloQast’s paid parental leave offers my family a lot of peace of mind.”


How have you taken advantage of these perks, and what impact have they made on your life, both inside and outside of the office? 

Olshove: Transitioning to FloQast’s healthcare plan, I assumed that though I wasn’t paying anything up front, I would end up receiving big bills on the back end. As it turns out, we pay the copay and that’s usually it. Now we know that if something happens, there's going to be a nominal fee that’s associated with it. This healthcare plan has had a huge impact on our financial situation. It’s been life-changing.

Karageuzian: FloQast’s healthcare plan has been tremendously beneficial to my family, which covers my husband and, soon, the baby. We haven’t paid anything for the doctor appointments and we’ve been reimbursed for some of the baby classes we’ve taken. We’re also really excited about FloQast covering our Snoo Smart Sleeper, which will soothe the baby and help my husband and I get a few extra hours of sleep a night.


Ace Metrix Los Angeles tech jobs

There’s nothing worse than stressing about running errands or minor emergencies while at work. Fortunately, the team at Ace Metrix doesn’t have to worry about life getting in the way of work as the company offers unlimited PTO and the ability to work remotely when needed. QA Lead Duncan Tsai shared how this flexibility enabled him to quickly and easily deal with some surprise car troubles.


Of all the perks your company offers, which ones matter the most to you and why?

The flexibility we are granted to take personal days or work remotely when needed is invaluable. We have peace of mind knowing that we can attend to any unexpected life issue without needing to deal with cumbersome time sheets or supervisor micromanagement. Ultimately, you are treated like an adult, one who is trusted with managing their own time and productivity.

The flexibility we are granted to take personal days or work remotely when needed is invaluable.”


How have you taken advantage of these perks, and what impact have they made on your life, both inside and outside of the office?

Just last week I had an unexpected issue with my car that needed attention. With just a quick heads up to the team, I was able to work remotely and get my car issue addressed that same day. When you’re already dealing with something personal that is potentially stressful, it’s always nice to have one less thing to worry about. Being part of Ace Metrix gives me the sense that I can move at my own pace. A healthy work-life balance is encouraged and is not just used as an empty buzzword.


Puffco Los Angeles tech jobs

Puffco offers an impressive array of perks, from pet insurance to unlimited PTO. For Jr. Art Director Daniel Paris, the perks that stand out the most are the ones that help him live a healthier life and form closer bonds with his co-workers over team outings and off-site events.


Of all the perks your company offers, which ones matter the most to you and why?

There are two perks that stand out. The first is our onsite wellness program, offered at no cost to employees. This includes a holistic fitness regimen, dietary guidance and personal training. The other major perk is “Puffco enrichment,” which includes company retreats and events that often feature guest speakers. Puffco enrichment has increased my appreciation for our company culture and the people who have helped shape it.

There are two perks that stand out. The first is our onsite wellness program, offered at no cost to employees.”


How have you taken advantage of these perks, and what impact have they made on your life, both inside and outside of the office?

The wellness program helps me stay healthy and alert during the workweek. Not only has it improved my physical well-being but also my mental focus. Our company’s social activities have helped me bond with my co-workers on a deeper level. I’m happy to call many of them my friends.


Criteria Corp Los Angeles tech jobs

Balancing motherhood and a career is no easy feat, and oftentimes the tech industry forces women to pick between the two. According to Manager of Customer Success Natalie Bernacchi, that’s not the case at Criteria Corp. Bernacchi shared how the company’s parental leave policy made her feel supported after the birth of her two children, along with the perks that enable her to strike a “wonderful” work-life balance.


Of all the perks your company offers, which ones matter the most to you and why?

We have a ton of perks, so it’s really hard to choose which one is the best. I’d have to say our parental leave policy, work from home policy and summer Fridays are really the most important to me because they all allow me to have a wonderful work-life balance. The perks that Criteria offers allow me to be both a dedicated mom and a career-focused professional. I am fortunate that I don’t have to choose between the two, and I feel like Criteria really cares about our well-being and knows that a happy employee is a better employee.

The perks that Criteria offers allow me to be both a dedicated mom and a career-focused professional.”


How have you taken advantage of these perks, and what impact have they made on your life, both inside and outside of the office?

I’ve had two babies since I started working at Criteria, and I am very grateful for the 13-week parental leave policy that was given to me. It allowed me the opportunity to really bond with both of my babies. Additionally, the commute in the LA area can be really long for a lot of employees, so the work from home day is a huge perk. It allows me to actually get more work done and not have to face the dreaded LA traffic. Criteria recently rolled out summer Fridays, where we get every other Friday off, and that has been really great as well. It’s nice to get a long weekend twice a month. It makes us all feel refreshed and rejuvenated!

All responses have been edited for length and clarity.

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