A look back: Crowdunding in 2013

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Published on Aug. 28, 2014
A look back: Crowdunding in 2013

As we prepare to launch a new Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign this Saturday, August 30, 2014, we cannot help but reminisce about our first campaign. Here are the lessons we learned looking back to 2013.

1) We asked for way too much money.

2) Networking only works if you have spent at least a year "in the network".

3) The press does not care that you are fundraising. They do care if your campaign was successful though.

4) The perks have to be tangible.

5) Try, try, again.

Thanks and give us a look if you are interested in redirecting consumption to communities desperately trying to get back on their feet after a disaster.

Christopher Girdwood

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