Importance of Scalability

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Published on Oct. 30, 2013
Importance of Scalability

Scalability is no doubt one of the most important aspects that a business should always keep in mind. Who better to ask than Philip de Souza? Experienced in the areas of corporate strategy and go-to-market strategy, Philip has some key insights that any company dealing with scalability can learn from.

SBEC: What would you say to an entrepreneur who is about to experience company growth due to an increased success in their company?
Philip: It is harder to manage growth than a slowdown. Entrepreneurs naturally gravitate to the issue that demands their attention the most, and during periods of rapid growth that could be everything from HR, to manufacturing and inventory.
Entrepreneurs must learn to delegate so they can keep their 30,000 foot vision, ensuring scalability, repetitive process and focus. That’s the short answer. Every entrepreneur should read “The E Myth” to learn more about this.

SBEC: How should they prepare to adjust their company?
Philip: This is industry and company specific, what adjustments are needed? With some ground word, proper staffing and good processes, the only issue left to deal with is scale.
The question of adjustment is a hard one to answer without know more about the business. There is a thin line between “If it ain’t broke….” Frequent adjusts blowing things!

Overall Philip is a firm believer in the following:

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