Be thoughtful and lazy: Giftagram brings convenience to holiday shopping

Written by Patrick Hechinger
Published on Dec. 09, 2015
Be thoughtful and lazy: Giftagram brings convenience to holiday shopping
Some say it’s the thought that counts, but there’s something to say about the convenience. 
, a gift curation and delivery app working out of WeWork in Santa Monica, has begun to pick up steam in the U.S. as the holiday season approaches. 
The app features a vertically scrolling view of curated gift selections for any price range. Once a choice is made, the user simply selects the recipient from their contacts. The recipient then receives an incoming gift alert with a prompt to provide their preferred shipping address. 
Giftagram custom boxes the gift and delivers it straight to their door. For the busy (or lazy) gift giver, it’s a two-click solution for any anniversary, birthday or holiday. 
But is a gift lessened without the personal touch of the giver? 
“We think that the art of gifting, in a way, is lost,” said co-founder and CEO Jason Reid. “People don’t do it anymore because they don't have time and the idea of going to a mall is arduous and packing something up and sending it can take you half a day. People in the instant satisfaction society have defaulted to sending you a text, posting on your facebook wall, or buying you a drink at the bar. How often are people actually sending you a physical gift or bringing one to your house? With Giftagram, we’re redefining that act of gift giving and making it easier.” 
Launched in 2013 in Toronto, Giftagram recently established their U.S. headquarters in Santa Monica. The company partners with a variety companies such as Cards Against Humanity, This is Ground or the LA-based Juice Served Here. Whether it’s a bouquet of flowers, a Michael Kors bag, a bottle of tequila or a spa treatment, Reid believes the opportunities are endless. 
“Gifting for me had always been a passion, but also a pain point,” Reid said. “When I was dating a girl I just met and wanted to send her flowers or I wanted to send something to my niece or nephew, as a young professional, that's always a last minute thing. You didn’t have time, didn’t know what to get, and didn’t know where to get it. And of course there's the issue that no one has anyone’s physical address anymore.”
The startup is bracing itself for the holiday season, but once the snow settles they plan on making major product advancements including new categories, celebrity curation, and their release on Android. 

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