Startups have radically changed how we view the typical office.
But the truth is, between fast growth, young executives, and flashy working spaces, there are still many issues with how the modern office operates.
After hosting events in New York and San Francisco, TriNet Inspire is coming to Los Angeles to answer important questions about top trends and best practices in the HR world. The conference has assembled some of the community's most experienced leaders to address the myriad issues many companies face today. We spoke with Jessica Kim, a Marketing & Events Specialist at TriNet, to learn more about what people can expect to learn at their inaugural Los Angeles event:
How can I find and retain top talent?
In today’s ecosystem full of outrageous perks and quick career advancement, hiring and retaining a rock star employee for more than a year is growing increasingly more difficult. FILD CEO and founder Nancy Soni will shed some light on the struggle in her discussion entitled “Conquering Talent Change.”
How do I utilize Generation Y to their full potential?
Generation Y has been the topic of thousands of articles in the last decade. Some claim they are revolutionizing the way we work, and others claim they are disrupting it. Either way, they are the largest segment of the modern workforce and cannot be ignored. Jabez Lebret, CMO and co-founder of GNGF, will discuss the best approach to utilizing Generation Y’s skills to propel your company.
How important is diversity to a growing company?
Diversity in the workplace has been a highly debated issue in recent years but people can forget the intrinsic benefits it provides. A diverse team can deliver different perspectives for companies and can be linked to better productivity and retention. TriNet Inspire has put together a Diversity Panel to dive into these conversations— and more.
How can the leaders in my company build better relationships with their teams?
In today’s world, the defining lines of hierarchy are often blurred. Leaders who distance themselves from their teams can be just as a destructive as those who get too chummy. Keith Ferrazzi, CEO of Ferrazzi Greenlight, Inc., will be on hand to discuss the ideal inter-office relationships that can push people to their full potential.

About the event: TriNet Inspire will be a half-day conference composed of five speaking sessions. The event is free to attend and will conclude with some awesome food, drinks and networking opportunities at night. Swing by the Marriot in Marina del Rey from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. to hear more about the most pressing issues in the modern office.