360Candidate will hook you up with your next employee

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Published on Jan. 06, 2014
360Candidate will hook you up with your next employee


Every startup has the same problem when approaching its next stage of growth: hiring. This is an instrumental task for young startups as new hires can make or break the company’s culture, productivity and, not to mention, profitability. But without dedicated recruiters or hiring managers, this crucial responsibility often falls upon startups’ CEOs (who have quite a few other things on their to-do lists!). That’s where Culver City-based 360Candidate steps in.

“The goal is that before a company picks up a phone or flies the candidate around from somewhere else, they can know about culture fit, personality, professionalism, articulation - things that you can’t get out a resume itself, but that are critical for hiring,” CEO Andrew Jacobson said.

360Candiate’s online screening service is designed so that executive teams can evaluate candidates in a collaborative setting, whenever they have five minutes. This way, hiring doesn’t “create operational distractions” and take away from CEOs connecting with their team and customers.

About 25 people, including teams at Eventbrite and McDonalds, have used 360Candidate over the past few months to build their local teams - especially because the service is most helpful for filling open positions with high volumes of resumes, Jacobson said.

The five-person 360Candidate team designed the service for the “bottom of funnel” part of the hiring process (aka when companies already have resumes in hand), so that they can “empower companies to make smarter decisions with those resumes before they spend an exorbitant amount of time and money trying to reach them.” This idea sprung up when Jacobson, who has a JD MBA background, repeatedly was frustrated with hiring processes from the candidate side and, later in his career, on the management side.

Here’s how it works: a company outsources the hiring process by creating its own customizable survey that dictates what information will be collected about each candidate and then invites candidates and the hiring team to the platform. This simple process has been working well so far for the bootstrapped company, which just officially launched the product six months ago, because “it’s not dependent upon an individual recruiter or CEO picking up the phone and calling these people.”

If you’re looking to hire and want to give 360Candidate a whirl with a free trial, connect with Jacobson and mention “Built In LA” in your message.

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