Why #LearnToCode leads to #ChangeTheWorld

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Published on May. 06, 2014

We are fond of saying it hear at Sabio:

Learn to code and change the world

You may think it's just a tag line but it's not. It's a matter of fact. I present my case in the context of a start up founder.

A start up founder constantly needs to recommit to the improbable. Impossible is not an option. We throw that word out of our dictionary. Nothing is impossible to a start up founder. This leaves us with the improbable.
Yes, this is much easier said than done and getting just to this point, where there is no impossible, requires effort and training. It is a skill, a habit, a muscle that you have to exercise daily. Your mind is constantly pulled back to the world as it is, handicapping you from seeing it how it could be.
If you can achieve this for long enough periods of time you will live in the world of the improbable. Improbable naturally implies possible. Possible. This fosters a can-do, will-do, the hell with whatever anyone that "knows better" says attitude. This kind of attitude combined with a little direction will get you far. 
Tying this into our training is very simple. We start with someone who thinks like most people do. They know the word impossible. They respect it. They respect what society has told them about what they can do or should do. They are afraid and hesitant to really consider anything that they have not been conditioned to consider.
This is the first thing we eliminate in our training. The idea and feelings that this is not for you is destroyed. Anyone can learn to code. Anyone. Yes, you can too.
Once we get you past that hump and stagnant inertia, we get you practicing the daily routine of a great software developer:
Do today what you could not do yesterday
Practice. Time. Effort. Re-commitment to the improbable.
This opens up your mind. It makes you comfortable with the unknown and uncertain. You are unafraid. This leaves you in place where you are free of the normal constraints that others suffer.
Anything is possible and you will be the woman to make it happen.
Learn to Code. Change the world.


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